Saturday, August 4, 2012

Recent Want Ads (IX): Standard Charted Consumer Bank International Graduate Programme


The Consumer Bank serves the needs of 13 million retail customers, including small and medium-sized businesses through a network of over 1,700 branches and 5,600 ATMs in 71 countries.

About the programme

It's an 18-month broad-based programme designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to quickly move into a leadership position. Whether it's leading a team, running a budget or delivering transformational change for our customers, we expect you to lead as soon as you graduate.
During the programme you'll develop:
  • A broad understanding of every aspect of the Consumer Bank - from risk to products, and everything in between.
  • People management skills to equip you to lead diverse teams with an unwavering commitment to serving the needs of our customers.
  • Business management skills that enable you to see the big picture, and also give you the skills needed to dive into the detail if required.
To prepare you for a demanding role as a future leader we'll teach you how a retail bank works - from how to identify and mitigate risk to product innovation, to aligning the operations of the business behind our strategic intent. By teaming you up with our best senior leaders, you will build the management skills necessary to run the business, shape our agenda and lead diverse teams in some of the world's most dynamic markets.
And we'll stand right behind you, supporting you to develop the necessary skills and knowledge covering every aspect of our Consumer Banking business.

Programme structure

The programme content changes each year to keep pace with our strategy and the current environment, though you can expect to take part in:
    • A demanding academic programme to learn the fundamentals of retail banking
    • A programme of rotations in the core component parts of our business
    • Technical training delivered by experts in-country
    • An action learning programme solving real business challenges.

Academic Programme

The first academic programme is held in Kuala Lumpur, directly following the International Induction Programme (IIP). The second is held in Singapore towards the end of your first year, giving you an opportunity to reconnect with graduates from across the globe.
Here you'll learn the fundamentals of retail banking and receive leadership development training to support your transition into a permanent role


On return to your home office you will commence rotations covering all aspects of the Consumer Bank:
Rotation 1 - RiskSpend four months learning about our governance and decision making processes.
Rotation 2 - ProductIn your next four month rotation, learn about the features and benefits of different products in our portfolio, and get involved in product development.
Rotation 3 - OperationsFocus the next four months of your rotation on improvements to productivity, service and quality
Rotation 4 - Front LineSpend six months applying the knowledge you have gained. Experience the customer first hand and learn the skills needed to build deep and lasting relationships.


To complement this on the job learning, you'll also take part in technical training to develop your understanding of the mechanics of different products within the Consumer Banking portfolio.
During the Action Learning Programme we offer our best and brightest the opportunity to make a real difference by helping us shape the future of the Bank by working in teams to address real business challenges. Just like last year's winners who are developing a radical microfinance portal, the winning team will have the opportunity to take their idea from concept to market.

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