Sunday, July 29, 2012

People Assessment: The Unexpected Obstacle on Your Banking Career Path


If you are willing to get a job in Chinese Banking Industry, you might have done plenty of preparations on online applications, open questions, logic tests, numerical tests, verbal tests and job interviews. But there is one node in the Chinese banking recruitment process that you can hardly prepare: The People Assessment or PA.

To put it simply, People Assessment test is a way companies used to evaluate your personality and professional style. Normally, you will be presented with a series of 6 statements across 36 screens and asked your opinions about those statements. There is no right or wrong answers to those statements and different company will have different criteria to evaluate your answers. During the test, there is also no time limit for the test but you should work quickly and accurately.

The reason PA is difficult and tricky is you can hardly find a right answers to those statements and most companies will weed out a lot of candidates after PA test. So a probable way to kind of prepare for the test is to understand the company culture before taking the actual PA test.

Here are several examples to illustrate you what PA test looks like:

At the beginning, you will get 6 statements in one screen, you can choose your level of agreement of each statement by clicking on the round buttons next to each statements.

If you chose two or more than two statements with the same level of agreement, then you need to choose your preference again as the one most like you and the one least like you. Just like the picture showing below:

Normally there will be 30 to 50 statements in total and 6 to 10 questions in each statement. So it will take you up to 2 hours to complete the whole Assessment. Are you ready?

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