Saturday, July 28, 2012

Logic Test in Chinese Banks' Recruitment


Today I will share with you the logic tests you will encounter if you apply for a job from a Chinese commercial bank. Usually you will encounter this type of test after your online application. The company will screen your resume and personal information and then send you invitation to the test if you pass the first round resume screening.

Don't think logic test as something horrible and complected, it is nothing more than some simple graphic interpretation and deduction. Here I will show you four types of logic test questions you might encounter in your future application.

Type 1: Choose the one that is different 

Each puzzle in this section has five figures in a row. Choose the one that is different and does not belong with the other four. Mouse click on your choice and then click NEXT. You have three minutes. Keep going through the puzzles until the time is up.

Here are several examples of this type of puzzle:

Type 2: Choose two that are different 

Chose the two figures that do not belong with the other three. Click on those two, then click NEXT.

Examples of this type of puzzles:

Type 3: Choose one to complete the series

Each puzzle has three figures in a row and one empty box. Choose the figure from below that best complete the series and fits in the empty box.


Type 4: Choose one to complete the pattern

Each puzzle has figures that form a pattern, plus one empty box. Choose the figure from below that best completes the pattern and fits in the empty box.


Next time I will talk about the Person Assessment test in the banking recruitment process.

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