Sunday, June 17, 2012

Work & Life of An Account Manager in Chinese Commercial Bank


In most workplace newbies' eyes, account manager in commercial banks is an attractive position because they believe they can meet and interact with new people nearly every day with a fabulous income. "It is actually not." Said by my account manager friend mentioned in my last several posts.

Leaving those resource-based account managers with rich social resources aside, technique-based account managers always feel tired and probably lonely in their daily life. Most of the time account managers have to stay out to visit clients or stay in the bank to handle the procedures of clients' credit / loan business. Even in the evening and weekends, they still have to stay in the bank to organize clients' profiles which are extremely trivial. They usually have to prepare hundreds of documents for single client's credit deal.

Sometimes when the account manager receives a call from one of clients for their deal with the bank, no matter when and what the account manager is doing, he/she has to rush down to the client in the first place.

One real world case from my friend:: One day my friend's family arranged a blind date for my friend (he has been single for many years because of his job). He was drinking coffee with the girl which he described as "perfect beauty" afterwards. Unfortunately, 10 minutes later, my friend received a phone call from one of his clients to examine goods used as collateral immediately. Without any hesitation, my friend checked out and left the blind date directly and went to work. The date fizzled out without surprises.

"So if you can not stand with this type of work without fixed rest days, don't do it for good." Suggested by my friend."There is an old saying of our industry: if there one person in your family works for a bank, the whole family will be busy. It is 100% true, especially for account managers in banks, there is little for themselves."


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