Friday, June 15, 2012

What Kind Of Person Is Suitable To Be Banks' Account Manager


Continue with my last post about my bank insider friend's personal experience under another title.

In most outsider's mind, people who are heavy drinkers (because in China alcohol is an indispensable social widget), party creatures and people who have the gift of gab are ideal candidates of Chinese banks' account manager. But the truth may not be so simple. A large portion of successful account managers actually possess both introvert and outgoing personality at the same time instead of outgoing personality only.

My friend discovered several characteristics that most competent account managers have:

1. Patient and be in a good temper. In China, most account managers will have to deal with a lot of troublesome and trivial business. If he/she is impetuous or has a short fuse, it's extremely easily for them to displease their clients or co-workers. Externally, account managers need to provide best financial services to the clients; Internally, they need to handle the relationships among different departments such as bank counter and risk management properly. Furthermore, each public credit business will not be fulfilled within a short-term period, account managers will need great patience to complete the task gradually.

2. Some certain level of collaborating capacity and communication skills. Otherwise, it will slow down the work pace or even make things failure.

3. Sense of responsibility. Bank's account manager is an important window of the company to clients. The way they work with clients will be directly deceive to client's evaluation of the company. Clients let account managers to handle their public credit business because they want to reach the maximum benefit with proper financial cost. So the account managers need to be responsible to their own clients.

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