Thursday, July 5, 2012

How To Prepare and Overcome Your SHL Test (II)


Continued with my last post, today we will talk about what you should do when you are in the actual test and some strategies to help you solve different types of questions.

Enter the test place

Sometimes your SHL Test performance will depend on your condition a lot. Even though you are a true talent, there is still possibility that you will fail in the test. So be careful and try to take care of every single detail in the exam.

First, when you enter the examination room, try to select a seat that close to the side but not on the back. Close to the side so you will get less interference, not on the back so you won't get chance to see a lot of busy figures in front of you which will make you feel more nervous. 

Before the actual test, there is a sample test presented by your employer. What you can do is:
1. Try to concentrate on the test. Once the test begins, even with the sample questions, you should start to run your brain at a high speed and get into a groove as fast as you can.
2. In the numerical test part, there is some possibilities that the chart in the sample questions will be used again in the actual test. So carefully read the sample questions and don't make short shrift of it.

Numerical questions solving strategies

1.There are a small number of questions that are extremely easy. Normally it will only take you few seconds to solve these questions. Trust your eyes!

2.Look at the question first and try to answer it through keywords. Do not try to understand whole chart then start to answer the questions, you won't have the time! 

3.Learn to estimate and use reduction operation. You have only 1 minute for each question at maximum, but sometimes the numbers will be some seven figures. So it will save you some time if you can do the reduction operation quickly and press less your calculator for each question. Try to use your calculator's memory to keep down every number instead of write your result on a paper. 

4.About guessing the answer: it is normal if you cannot accomplish all questions at given time. So if you find yourself still have 7 questions to go but only have 3 minutes left, don't panic and try to guess answers for those questions with less answer choices.  

Verbal questions solving strategies 

Not too much tips for the verbal part, but if you have taken GMAT or GRE before, you will have some foundations to solve the verbal questions.They are basically the same type questions but with less time for you to solve. 

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