Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fresh Graduate in Chinese Commercial Bank Branches


Like I said in my last post, over 90% of fresh graduate who secured a job in a Chinese commercial bank will be assigned to one of the bank's branches to work for several years. So today let's take a look at what the life in a commercial bank's branch would be as a workplace fresh people. Again, all contents are based on my interview with my bank friend.

Generally speaking, there are three possible ways for fresh employees in a branch:

(1) Teller
(2) Retail account managers
(3) Wholesale account managers

Let's explore them one by one.

(1) Teller.
This is not a recommended path for most fresh graduate, unless you are a girl and your only ambition is to be a full-time wife. Basically your work in this position is mechanical manipulation every day. If you choose this path, you will highly likely be promoted as accounting officer after 8 - 10 years work, then you will get the opportunity to be promoted to be deputy governor of the branch in charge of operation. But this is probably the end of your career development. It is easy for you to lose ambition in the daily fussy work in this position.

(2) Retail account managers
Currently almost all Chinese commercial banks are under great pressure of retail performance, this trend makes retail account manager one of the scarcest resources in banks. Over half of fresh graduates will choose this position eventually and  it is actually a good development path for most people. But at the same time, you will probably face abnormal rest time (the banks will keep operating during the weekend). You will have training and regular meeting every day after work. You probably will have to work 12 to 14 hours a day and keep communicating with diverse clients to sell them investment products.

Sales is actually a pretty good start point for your career. If you are diligent enough and achieve an excellent performance, you will get decent promotion opportunity after several years. But you also have to pay the price: you will have no time to take care of your family. You will probably lack of sleep and sometimes will face the complaints from your clients. All in all, you will need a strong heart to fight for your future.

(3) Wholesale account managers
Compared with retail account managers, wholesale account managers will have a stable work and rest time. Instead of facing individual customers, wholesale account mangers' clients will be companies and institutions. So compared to retail account manager, wholesale manager is more likely to be a "decent job" in most new employees' mind. But meanwhile, wholesale account managers will face much more performance pressure. However, if you can find a senior account manager who is willing to be your mentor combined with your own hard workings, you will be able to avoid a lot of detours.

My friend told me just last week, a girl who just entered the bank for 2 months resigned. She holds a master degree from Germany and worked in wholesale department of the bank. But she resigned because the bank implements the lowest performance elimination principle and her performance was the lowest at that month. From this short story, we should be more clear that positions in Chinese banks are not as bright and beautiful as you think. Once you really start to work for a bank, what you will truly experience is the reality.

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