Friday, June 8, 2012

Banking Stories From A Senior Worker In Chinese Commercial Bank (Part I)


Several days ago, I had an opportunity to Skype with one of my friends who is currently working in one of China's joint-equity commercial banks. I consulted him about his working experiences and comments for working in Chinese commercial banks. He shared with me a lot insights about the industry as well as the employees' life. I will try to summarize it and shared with you in the several following posts.

Overview of Chinese Joint-Equity Commercial Banks' Position and Treatment

Before the introduction of the details of my friend's story, it might be necessary to introduce you a little bit about the different types of Chinese commercial banks. Based on different finance sources, nowadays Chinese commercial banks could be roughly divided into state-owned banks, joint-equity commercial banks and foreign banks. My friend is working in one of Chinese national joint-equity commercial bank as an senior account manager. According to himself, he is a workaholic, entered this bank 3 years ago and really love what he is doing now.

About Chinese commercial banks' positions and treatment:

From his perspective, the positions in commercial banks of China could be divided into 4 types:

Type 1: Account Manager

This is my friend's position. In Chinese commercial banks, account managers are extremely important since most profit of the bank will be created by account manager. This is also a vary challenging position, if you can do a good job, this position will be your paradise in the workplace. You can build your own networks within different industries and governments through this position. And the payment is also really good, one million yuan per year (which is a lot in the context of Chinese market.) is possible if you are really good at it.

But the downside of this position is, if you failed to meet the goal of the bank, your boss will give you a dressing down everyday and your payment will be vary ugly.

So account manager is a challenging position associated with high risk and pressure. It can be further divided into retail and wholesale, while wholesale account manager will suffer a heavier work pressure.

Type 2: Operation Staff (e.g: bank teller)

Their work is nine-to-five everyday. They can have a relatively stable income, but the work is also relatively boring. They will receive a lot in house training and take a lot examinations for career certifications. According to my friend, this is a position that is popular among a lot of girls.

Type 3 Retail Position (e.g: banking manager, lobby manager)

If you have the gift of gab with a good personal image, if you wish to receive a decent income but at the same time do not want to have too much work pressure, retail position will be a potential choice for you. Your main task is to sit in the bank and help clients to conduct financial transactions and sell financial products to them. Even though there is performance assessment for retail position, it will not be as strict as the account managers.

Type 4: Backroom Staff (e.g: HR, risk management)

Similar to operational positions, this position is also nine-to-five everyday. There will be a lot trivial things to deal with. And it is also an ideal place for office politics.

......To Be Continued


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